2) According to CFR 117.11 section A subsections 1,2, & 3 states that "no certificate holder may schedule and no flightcrew may member may accept an assignment or continue an assigned flight duty period if the total time: exceeds the total time in Table A of this part if the operation is conducted with minimum required flight crew, or will exceed 13 hours conducted with a 3-pilot flightcrew, or will exceed 17 hours with a 4-pilot flightcrew." Table A lays out a maximum flight time in reference to the time of the report which is as follows: from 0000-0459 the maximum flight time is 8 hours, from 0500-1959 the maximum flight time is 9 hours, and from 2000-2359 the maximum flight time is 8 hours. The key difference here from a cargo operator over an airline is the 9 hours that can be the max flight time rather than the concrete 8 hours of flight duty in a 121 airline operation. Also, the more pilots included in a cargo operation the longer the flight can be conducted before rest is required (refer to table C in part 117) (https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/14/part-117/appendix-TableC).
3) I believe that cargo operators are exempt from the new rules because due to the high demand of their operation they need pilots operating at all times. I also think it has something to do with what is carried on the aircraft. In the view of most, cargo or things that are inanimate are not seen as more important than an aircraft loaded with 200+ people or even anything over the 4-8 crewmembers that may be aboard a cargo plane should the situation get disastrous. I also believe that this is partially why a majority of cargo pilots are former military because they are used to working ridiculous hours and handling heavy workloads. I feel the cargo industry has a form of masculinity and machoness to it that isn't in place in the airline industry due to the demand and value of life on board the aircraft.
4) I think cargo carriers should be included in the new flight duty and limitation rules because if it is something that is being implemented in the airline industry I don't see why cargo carriers wouldn't be included or embrace it either. Especially with the measurement of fatigue. I think pilot fatigue affects every pilot equally regardless of the type of operation they run, so for a cargo carrier to allow an extra hour (even if it's "just an hour") during the peak times of the day (0500-1959) that their pilots can fly before requiring rest seems like pushing the envelope. I think this could be a reason why cargo carriers aren't seen as an illustrious career choice and often receive the nickname "cargo dog" because they deal with heavier workloads and worse conditions than an airline pilot goes through.
5) If cargo carriers were included in the new duty limitations then I think it would make a manager's job a bit tougher. They need for more pilots would continue to increase to a demand greater than it is already at. Also, managers of cargo carriers would have to be very careful in planning the routes and destinations that they choose their pilots to fly. Either shortening the routes or bringing more pilots on the trip would be ways that a manager could work with the new limitation rules, but that would in turn lead to paying more wages (more pilots on board) or losing revenue for the company (shortening or possibly ending further routes). I think the limitation would put a lot more stress on a manager and you could possibly see the separation of a company over a few hubs across their intended region so that way they could maintain their routes but depart from areas a few hours closer in order to make it within that concrete 8 hour flight duty limitation.
Works Cited
Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act of 2010 retrieved from: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-111publ216/html/PLAW-111publ216.htm
Schaal, D. (2013, November 05). FAA Issues New Pilot Training Rule to Fix Colgan Air Deficiencies.
14 CFR 117 Table A & C retrieved from: http://www3.alpa.org/portals/alpa/committees/ftdt/Part-117-Flight-Time-Limitations-and-Rest-Requirements.pdf
It is sad that we don't look past what the cargo pilots are carrying and at them. How happy can they be working well over 10 hours a day with little rest. Sure, they aren't carrying hundreds of people in the back of the aircraft, but they are trying to take care of their own lives and if something does go south there are always a lot of innocent people on that ground that shouldn't be put at risk.
ReplyDeleteIf the rules for passenger carriers are put in place in cargo carriers it would be a much more desirable job.
One of the thing that I see is the market putting the squeeze on the cargo industry for pilots. If you could make about the same money flying for the airlines and having a much better quality of life, why would you fly cargo? The rest rules are meant to be a minimum amount of rest, well almost every cargo carrier that I know follows those rules as that is the best rest they can get. I see the only way that the cargo carriers keeping pilots is to pay them enough to make it worth it to the pilots
ReplyDeleteOne of the thing that I see is the market putting the squeeze on the cargo industry for pilots. If you could make about the same money flying for the airlines and having a much better quality of life, why would you fly cargo? The rest rules are meant to be a minimum amount of rest, well almost every cargo carrier that I know follows those rules as that is the best rest they can get. I see the only way that the cargo carriers keeping pilots is to pay them enough to make it worth it to the pilots
ReplyDeleteI like the fact that you brought up "cargo carriers aren't seen as an illustrious career choice and often receive the nickname "cargo dog". It is so true, not many airline pilots are stuck with flights past midnight. Cargo pilots fly at the worst times, and in the worst conditions and most of the time in aircraft that look like they should not be airworthy.